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"For a Good Monthly Cycle !"

Why Nirogya Sundari (Powder)?

Discover the power of Nirogya Sundri - Powder, a specially formulated Ayurvedic blend designed to support women's reproductive health. This 100% natural formulation combines traditional herbs known for their potential benefits, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

Menstrual Health Support: Nirogya Sundri - Powder may help in promoting regular menstrual cycles and supporting overall menstrual health.
Reproductive Wellness: By incorporating the goodness of Ayurvedic herbs, this powder aims to contribute to reproductive wellness and balance.
General Well-being: Nirogya Sundri - Powder contains ingredients that are believed to have rejuvenating properties, which may help in reducing general weakness and providing a new lease of energy to the body.
Promotes Hormonal Balance: The natural ingredients in Nirogya Sundri - Powder are believed to promote hormonal balance, which is crucial for women's overall health.


Order now and experience the potential benefits of Nirogya Sundri - Powder for yourself!

Key Benefits:
  • When the daily routine gets disturbed, Sets the routine back for every girl and every woman
  • Leucorrhoea, Menstrual irregularities, Dysmenorrhoea, Menopausal Disturbances, General weakness, Backache
  • Beneficial in abnormal vaginal discharge & excessive menstruation
  • Minimises the severity of uterine contractions
  • Reduces pain and inflammation of pelvic origin
  • Provides relief from premenstrual tension
  • Choice therapy in menopausal disturbances
Directions of Use:
  • 1g. Medicine of Nirogya Sundari should be taken each in the mornig and in the evening with either water or milk.

Vidari Kand

Package details :

This pack of Nirogya Sundari by Dhanwantri Pharmaceutical contains 20g.

Nirogya Sundri Powder - Natural Ayurvedic Formula for Women's Internal Health

Product Code : NS

In Stock




"For a Good Monthly Cycle !"

Why Nirogya Sundari (Powder)?

Discover the power of Nirogya Sundri - Powder, a specially formulated Ayurvedic blend designed to support women's reproductive health. This 100% natural formulation combines traditional herbs known for their potential benefits, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

Menstrual Health Support: Nirogya Sundri - Powder may help in promoting regular menstrual cycles and supporting overall menstrual health.
Reproductive Wellness: By incorporating the goodness of Ayurvedic herbs, this powder aims to contribute to reproductive wellness and balance.
General Well-being: Nirogya Sundri - Powder contains ingredients that are believed to have rejuvenating properties, which may help in reducing general weakness and providing a new lease of energy to the body.
Promotes Hormonal Balance: The natural ingredients in Nirogya Sundri - Powder are believed to promote hormonal balance, which is crucial for women's overall health.


Order now and experience the potential benefits of Nirogya Sundri - Powder for yourself!

Key Benefits:
  • When the daily routine gets disturbed, Sets the routine back for every girl and every woman
  • Leucorrhoea, Menstrual irregularities, Dysmenorrhoea, Menopausal Disturbances, General weakness, Backache
  • Beneficial in abnormal vaginal discharge & excessive menstruation
  • Minimises the severity of uterine contractions
  • Reduces pain and inflammation of pelvic origin
  • Provides relief from premenstrual tension
  • Choice therapy in menopausal disturbances
Directions of Use:
  • 1g. Medicine of Nirogya Sundari should be taken each in the mornig and in the evening with either water or milk.

Vidari Kand

Package details :

This pack of Nirogya Sundari by Dhanwantri Pharmaceutical contains 20g.

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